The Exorcism of Miller’s Crossing

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Publisher: David Clark

Genre: , ,


The “Dark Period” the people of Miller’s Crossing suffered through before was nothing compared to life as a hostage to a malevolent demon that is after revenge. Worst of all, those assigned to protect them from such evils are not only helpless, but they are tools in the creatures plan. Extreme measures will be needed, but at what cost.

The rest of the “keepers” from the remaining 6 paranormal places in the world are called in to help free the people of Miller’s Crossing from a demon that has exacted its revenge on the very family assigned to protect them. Action must be taken to avoid losing the town, and allowing the world of the dead to roam free to take over the dominion of the living. This demon took Edward’s parents from him while he was a child. What will it take now?